Tag Archives: food

The Eight Dollar Loaf of Bread

9 Nov

I’ve been out of bread for weeks now. I just never buy it! I’ll usually buy a loaf at the local health food store, keep it in the freezer and maybe finish it off in a month or two.

I usually buy the Food For Life Ezekiel bread or any other type of sprouted grain bread. Yesterday I decided to purchase a new brand just to spice things up.


I didn’t bother to look at the price (mainly because it was hidden) I just figured it cost the same as the other spouted grain bread; $4.00 -$5.00, so I grabbed it.  As I walked around the store I managed to grab a small quinoa black bean salad and then waited in line for check out.

As the cashier was scanning my two items I realized that the hemp bread was priced at $8.49.

That is nearly $9.00 for a freaking loaf of bread.

I thought about telling him that I changed my mind and that I did not need the bread anymore but I just couldn’t. This is one of those times where it sucks being the nice guy girl. It sounds really stupid, but I just couldn’t do it.

The whole drive home I kept thinking…

“I seriously just paid over $8 for a loaf of bread. That is more than I make an hour! Who on Earth would charge this much for bread?!?! …Probably because idiots like me buy it, I bet that’s it. Maybe I’ll return it? No, that’s stupid. I should have looked at the price first. This better be the most amazing bread I have ever eaten.”

Needless to say, the first thing I did when I got home was try a piece of this over-priced bread.

It was good I guess….

Still not worth almost $9.

I will never buy it again, that’s for sure!

Have you ever accidentally bought something expensive without looking at the price tag (please tell me this is a common mistake)?

A little change in this week’s shopping cart

28 Oct

Hello everyone! Hope you are having a great FRIDAY.

My eats lately have been pretty sad. With no time to cook all I have been eating is beans and rice, bread, oatmeal, smoothies, veggies,  and soup. I can’t even remember the last great balanced  meal I had. I am so used to going to the store every few days and loading up on produce I forget that I have nothing else to cook with it!

I used to eat a lot of processed vegan food (the food below is pretty healthy compared to what I used to eat). Having no time to cook or prepare meals has really been bugging me. Some nights, I will literally eat bread and a pasta salad for dinner because I am starved and I have no food! Also, due to the lack of meals I have been eating, I have been snacking a lot, usually on hummus and pretzels. I have a strong feeling that this snacking and poor meals is effecting my weight loss.

So, today I did something that I thought I’ve never do:


I went to the store and when straight to the “natural living” aka, frozen vegan packaged food section. I bought organic vegan burgers, burritos, bars, frozen meals, and canned soup.


This is how I used to shop.

Do I think this is a bad way of eating? Not really. It’s going to be a lot better than bean salad for dinner every night.

Am I going to eat these packaged meals everyday? Not even. I am going to keep these bad boys in the freezer for days when I really need them!


If I had time to make veggie burgers I really would. They are so fun and simple! But right now, I don’t even have the time in the day to go to the store.


And you know what? I got just about everything on sale! 🙂


All in all, I think I did pretty good. Hopefully these hearty meals will stop my snacking and lame excuses of dinners.


Question of the day: Do you ever buy packaged meals?

Market Recap Monday week 13

22 Aug

Hey guys!

I loved hearing what everyone adds to their tofu scramble in my last post, so interesting! I am dying to make some scramb again so I can add a lot more ingredients!

Sunday’s market went well. We kept it pretty simple due to expenses, bills, ect. We wanted to try new hummus recipes but we had a very busy week (think funerals, company from out-of-town, and other jobs). I cannot wait to share new hummus ideas!


Date TRUFFLES are back! These are made from dates, peanuts, and almonds. One vendor said they taste like the Mary Jane candies.


New raspberry jalapeno jelly…


New nut butter sign!


Veggie grape leaves again, my favorite. Maybe because I get to eat all of the “ugly” ones? 😉

Then, it started raining! Dark clouds rolled in and showed no mercy. It poured for about 15 minutes, then it was done.

Have you ever made your own homemade stuffed grape leaves?

WIAW [week 31]

21 Aug

What I ate at Whole Foods Wednesday.


Last week, I had family from NJ come to MI! I only see them once a year so it is always special. They stayed at a hotel about 45 minutes away. You know, just as far as the nearest Whole Foods is located. No biggy. It’s not like I drove down there everyday just to stop and Whole Foods after spending time with the family.


And it’s not like I was super excited to stop at WF two days in a row and spend half of my pay check at the hot bar.


It was just a coincidence. No big deal.

What did you eat today?


16 Aug

So haven’t you heard the news?

I am totally pulling off the pregnant look.

What on Earth am I talking about?!?!

The story begins about 2 months ago when I was first asked that very awkward question. I was asked by a cashier at a local party store AKA total stranger. Apparently it was part of some joke he had going on with his buddy before I even walked in the store. Asking the next young girl that walks in if she’s pregnant might not be a very funny joke for some people. Needless to say, I let that one slide.

A few days after the party store incident, I was working at the market. I was extremely tired (just got out of work) and for some reason I was itching/hold my stomach while I was talking to a fellow vendor.

“Are you expecting?”

Doesn’t anybody know that you NEVER ask a girl if she is pregnant? That is the ultimate insult.

“Um, no? Just….itching?…”

Seriously, did I just get asked this again?

“Oh. (awkward silence) Welllll, I LOVE BABIES!”

Okay, twice in one week? This was just weird. I mean, maybe I have gained like 3-5 pounds, big deal! That still doesn’t give anyone the right to ask such daring questions.


Waiting on two nice (slightly larger, no offence) ladies at the Farmer’s Market. While explaining the food, one of the ladies interrupted me in mid sentence and said something along the lines of,

“She’s pregnant.”

Thinking she is talking about her friend, I carry on. They were kind of talking to each other and I didn’t really understand what was being said. Like most people, I hate being interrupted, it’s just rude. I finished what I was explaining and then I started listening again.

“Well, you can tell. She is so small but you can just tell!”

I guess while I was talking they asked me if I was pregnant. Thinking she was talking about somebody else, I just nodded my head and continued on.

“Isn’t that funny, she always knows!”

As they walked away I realised what just happened. I agreed that I was pregnant, and he friend was so surprised because this friend “always knows”.

They were talking about me.

When the boyfriend returned, I told him what happened, he always gets a laugh out of it. Another fellow vendor over heard me talking about it and says,

“Oh my Gosh, I was going to ask the same thing!…”

Really? I am over here complaining and wondering why people are asking me if I am pregnant and you are going to just agree? I guess that’s cool.

It is just me, or is this weird? I don’t usually share random stories like this on the blog but, it is so funny strange that I couldn’t resist.

Seriously guys, I hate to break out the bikini pictures, but I must prove a point.

Now, I am 99.9% sure that I am NOT pregnant. If I wasn’t so sure, I would be probably be freaking out right now. I obviously had to over analyze this:

Reason why I might look pregnant:

  1. I have a pretty small butt. I realised this after analyzing myself in the mirror for a while figuring out why people might think I look pregnant.
  2. Having that small booty, really highlights the gut. Yes guys, I am totally aware of my food baby. I like to eat! But it really isn’t that bad.
  3. The clothes I wear could pass as maternity. I like loose-fitting tanks and yoga pants, what can I say.
  4. Every time I have been asked if I was preg-o, I was on my period. Bloated much?
  5. My final reason for pregnant look is my glow. I have been told before that I apparently “glow”. I don’t really see it but I guess it’s one of those things that come with the vegan life style.

Have you ever been asked if you were pregnant?

& Were Off

31 Jul

It is officially vacation time & I couldn’t be more excited.

Granola? Check.

VOO and “Egg” salad? Check.

Apples? Check.

Bananners? Check.

& Were off to go camping on one of Michigan’s great lakes for the whole week!

No fancy restaurants, no Starbucks, no health food stores, no air conditioning, no hair dyers, no oven, no whining cats (sorry babes, mommy is going to miss you very much!), no familiar faces, no gym, no TV, no freezer, and no internet. 

I will bring the laptop but I doubt I will find wifi. I will be sure to share tons of beautiful photos next week. I hope you enjoy the posts I have lined up for the week! When we return, we have a big weekend ahead of us so be patient! (Details later! 🙂 )

July Goals

1 Jul

Wow, is this summer flying by or what?

I feel like July is one of those months that I forget about because it always goes by so quickly. I remember in grade school that once it was the 4th of July, summer was half way over (again with the negativity!) and it was officially time to do everything on the summer-to-do list. Now that I’m out of school for the summer I have no sense of time. Scott and I have been working on a lot of projects so I feel like I am at work 24/7 even though it’s fun work. Well, a lot more enjoyable than my real job away. I basically have been MIA from my gym for the last month and a half, which really needs to change because my stress level is raging. I have been eating a lot better for the most part but my sweet snackage has gotten pretty ridic. With all of this said, how about making time for July goals?

July Goals:

  • At least 1 hour of exercise 5 days a week. This can include nature walks, runs, gym time, biking, and Zumba. I NEED this hour everyday to lower my stress.
  • Use up my Zumba punch card at the dance studio. I bought a 10-class punch card in January and have only gone once. Mainly because the classes are all at night. Expires in August!
  • Make time for family and friends.
  • Attempted to be more organized. Like paying bills on time, keeping my room clean, keeping up on laundry, filing important papers.
  • Apply for Fall classes!
  • Roller blade on the new bike path by my house (repeat daily, I ❤ roller blading).
  • Stay away from processed junk like oreo’s and nutter butter’s. Not worth the belly ache!
  • Limit fried foods to maybe once every 2 weeks. Yes, this included my favorite roll (sweet potato roll) at the sushi joint.

I think this list is do-able, honestly. This felt really good to write these goals down so I do not forget them!

What are some of your July goals?

& To all of the USA readers…

Have a great Independance Day weekend!

I Dream of Blenders

23 Jun
I read about it.
I think about it.
I dream about it.
I want it.
I need it.

& I finally got it.

My very own (refurbished) Vitamix! I just couldn’t take it anymore! It’s all I think about.

I ordered my Vitamix from The Vitamix Lady and received free shipping! Seriously, this girl is awesome.

My Vitamix came with:

This sweet Vitamix cook book that contains tons of healthy recipes!

Why I got it:

  1. It’ a business investment. Each week at the market, so many people ask for nut butters. My Ninja used to get so mad when he would have to make my nut butters, he just gave up on me.
  2. Raw food. ‘nough said.
  3. I need a new blender. Sure, I guess I can keep buying new blenders and waste hundreds of dollars OR I can just buy one nice one that will last forever! Or just 7 years at the earliest. That’s a long time!
  4. You don’t have to pay all at once! I am on a very easy payment plan: Pay half the amount plus $15 the first month, pay half of the differance the second month, pay the other half (the remaining balance) on the third month. It’s that easy! I don’t know about you, but I feel A LOT better paying like this, it almost makes me feel like it didn’t cost THAT much.
  5. The refurbished model will save you about $70 bucks. I can live with knowing that my blender was slightly used by a professional if it saves me $70. And hey, it’s like they tested it out for you so you know that it works great!

Yes, don’t mind me, I’m still talking myself into it!

What I’ve made so far:

A green smoothie! With no yucky chunks!


Then I made this 4-minute broccoli “cheese” soup! (it looks like a siab, but it’s soupp!)

New diet staple fo sho, Recipe coming soon!


Thank you so much for all of the get well soons on my last post, so sweet of you! I am feeling a little better, but far from 100%. I am just taking one day at a time trying to rest and eat lots of healing foods.

***Vitamix did not ask me to review their product nor did The Vitamix Lady. None of the items that I listed were given to me for reviewing or to sample. As always, this is my honest opinion.***

Farmers’ Market RECAP week 3

6 Jun

Hey guys!

We had another AWESOME week at the FM.

I have lots of photo’s to share…

Date ball sign! Which flavor sounds best to you? Last week I sold A LOT of these and this week it was just ok. I might not make more this week, I don’t know yet. I feel like people don’t really appreciate them. I sell them for $1.50 each (for a 1.8 ounce ball… that’s more than a Larabar!) which is actually cheap in my opinion considering the cost of dates and nuts.

First time doing muffins so I only made 6, and sold out quick! (ok, so I ate 3…). Next week I think I’m going to do gluten-free muffins and some mini muffins!

Close up of date balls being melted in the heat. Some people had a problem with me labeling these sugar-free because there is a touch of agave in the ingredients. I told them it’s like eating an apple or a date. If you consider that sugar, I don’t. One man said, “if it’s sweet, it has sugar in it…” Which I completely disagree.

Sample dish! Which one would you try first: regular hummus, roasted red pepper hummus, regular olive tapenade, peppanade (more peppers, less olives) or Loubie Bezit (a middle eastern dish with tomatoes, whole cloves of garlic, and italian green beans).

Lots of shoppers!

Awesome vendor who traded 4 plants for hummus (see below)

Dogs EVERYWHERE! I couldn’t pet ALL OF THEM. I think it is really cool that our FM allows dogs!

Scott holding down the table…

Yummy iced green tea


& more

The plants I mentioned above.

Traded for this baby too! Nice snack.

Yours truly looking extra cheesy…

GRANOLA! Do you like our stickers?!?!?!

This week we were invited to so many different FMs, local events, and other benefits to vendor at. Needless to say, Scott and I are pretty excited.

I had a lot of fun taking pictures! I hope you enjoyed them. 🙂

What are your thoughts on agave? Do you think it is a sugar or would you label it sugar-free?

The only reason I label it sugar-free is because I have seen ingredients that have listed agave but the food was labeled sugar-free.

Good-Bye Winter Diet

12 May
& hello summer!
Oh my goodness, did I miss a WIAW post? Whoops! It’s been pretty busy around here. Forgive me?

I probably wont be doing much posting for the next few days due to the Farmer’s Market (FM) craziness.

I have been keeping up with my exercises though!

  • Sunday: 3 mile walk/jog outdoors
  • Monday: 4 mile nature walk
  • Tuesday: Pi/yo, 2 1/2 mile fast walk on tred.
  • Wednesday: Slow 2 mile nature walk, 1 hour Zumba
  • Thursday: Probably nothing. Early day at school right now then straight to work afterwards.

Lots of cardio so far this week! I guess I was just in that kind of mood. I think this is good for me though due to that winter weight gain! After work last night, I came home and tried on my jean shorts from last summer and YIKES! Not happening anytime soon! I wear sweat pants literally everyday, so trying on jeans (especially shorts!) was a somewhat of a breakthrough. Despite the muffin top, I think my weight should be back on track in a few weeks. Mainly because I eat A LOT better in the warmer months with all the fresh produce available and the fun warm weather activities.


See? A salad! I’m getting there. Just don’t judge me for that bag of PB pretzels i ate right after this!

What are some of your personal tips on getting (back) into shape?

Have a good weekend!