About Me

My passion for animal rights, the environment, fitness, whole foods, and respect has led me to one thing:


Growing up I was kind of a “tom boy“. You know, catching snakes, climbing trees, riding quads, spending all my time outside, ect. I was never into Barbies or playing house; I loved exploring, learning about different types of animals, taking millions of nature photos, and traveling. Everything I did revolved around nature. As I got older, I became more aware. More aware that the environment is in serious danger and humans are responsible for it. I began to feel guilty for buying daily water bottles, burning up unnecessary gasoline and fuel, wasting paper, and most of all eating animals.

My sophomore year in high school I decided to go vegetarian. I no longer had the desire to eat animals and besides, they don’t even taste good. From that point forward my whole world had changed. I began to educate myself on factory farming, the food industry, and basic nutritional needs. After becoming vegan as a new year’s resolution for 2010, my passion for what I believe in could not be stronger. I feel as if I have found hidden keys to true health. Today, I am learning new things from great people like all of you. The blogging world has been a wonderful experience for me and I’m glad to share everything I know with all of you because you return the favor for me.

If you came to this blog expecting to see well written posts and high quality photos, I’m afraid you came to the wrong place. I blog for fun and I actually dislike writing. Although I’m still learning, I’ve always loved photography, however, food photography is rather new to me so just deal.

I am currently 19 years old and attending a community college with hopes to transfer somewhere better in a few years (finger’s crossed). I work full-time in the deli of a gourmet food’s store with very limited vegan product. I cannot wait to get a real job someday! I also vendor at my local farmers market with my boyfriend selling specialty foods and lots of vegan baked goods.

In the future I plan on becoming a registered dietician and possibly owning my own restaurant/deli/bakery someday with somebody special. ❤

Lucky for me, I have an amazing family who have helped mold me into the person I am today. With my mother’s creativity and carefree spirit and my father’s knowledge and ambition I am confident that I will do a lot of good in the world.

(Hey, taking over the world is a tough job, but somebody’s gotta  do it!)

I really enjoying meeting new people and keeping in touch so feel free to be friendly!

20 Responses to “About Me”

  1. tangyh October 28, 2010 at 6:24 pm #

    Just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say hi 🙂

    I am loving reading vegan blogs right now. I am not vegan and I currently have no plans to ever be fully vegan but I love the idea of consuming less animal products and just adding more simple, nutritious meals into my diet! I’m from rural Illinois…aka farm central. There are a lot of free-range, grass fed fields around here but also plenty of the closed-in, corn-fed kind! It is really hard to get specialty (ie vegan!) items around here…most require at least an hour drive! Anyhoo, I digress. Cute blog and I’ll be checking back!

    • vegansunshine October 29, 2010 at 12:46 am #

      Well thanks for stopping by!

      Always happy to see new viewers 🙂

      Every vegan meal makes a difference whether you’re a full-blown vegan or just flirting with the idea. I’m not completley into the vegan specialty foods myself due to my low-budget but I do what I can. I am always finding ways to do it cheaper and I love to share my tips!


  2. movesnmunchies November 28, 2010 at 3:35 am #

    Hey girl- I’m not sure if my other comment went through, but i wanted to say thank you for sharing that video of the dairy farm in Ohio.. I had NO idea animals were treated like that. I have contemplated going vegan for a while, but I’m still a little nervous and hesitant as to where I could get vegan friendly foods, how it will effect my body, how it will be socially (going out to restaurants with friends and not finding things) and how my family will react. Did you have these obstacles? how did you overcome them?

    • vegansunshine December 10, 2010 at 10:38 pm #

      Good questions! Going vegan takes a lot of getting used to. If you plan on going vegan, do not give up in the first month just because you make a few mistakes or haven’t overcome your old cravings, it gets better! As far as restaurants go, I wouldn’t trust them. Yeah, I go out to eat once in awhile but it gets really annoying having to ask the restaurant staff ever ingredient in their food. When I go out to eat, I usually pick somewhere that I know there will be vegan food like a Middle-eastern restaurant that serves mainly vegetarian food or a Japanese steakhouse that serves vegetable sushi. You’ll get the hang of it!
      My entire family is filled with meat-eaters. They think I’m crazy because I eat “weird” food, but I think they’re crazy because they eat animals! Same with the friends, I have no vegan friends that live by me! It’s crazy. If your friends make fun of you or make you feel uncomfortable, just remember this probably wont last long. Most of the jokes I get about being vegan are in a friendly way and I am pretty much used to them by now. The best thing to do when going vegan is explain to other people why you have made the choice and the benefits from it. You’ll be surprised how interested other people are in veganism.

      Good Luck!

  3. Kayla December 8, 2010 at 12:09 pm #

    Hi, I just found your blog and I love it! While I’m not vegan, I definitely have entertained the idea and the only meat I eat is turkey, chicken and fish. I really love your site!

  4. GPSO 2011 December 8, 2010 at 4:27 pm #


    I think you may be interested in the Global Population Speak Out. Please check out our program and consider making a Pledge for February 2011.


  5. katshealthcorner January 1, 2011 at 9:33 pm #

    Hey, I just found you blog and I love it! I can’t wait to read more! I absolutely love your site!

  6. Ma Ma Megan January 5, 2011 at 5:35 pm #

    I’ve been vegan for almost 3 months now. People think i’m crazy but I can’t ever imagine going back. Its amazing knowing that I can make these wonderful kind choices for my body, the planet and all the animals. While none of my family members will go full vegan, I’ve introduced them to many delicious plant based foods and they’ve added A LOT more of them to their diets.

    well anyways i’m glad I found your blog! It looks great I cant wait to read more 🙂

  7. Funnies For a Saturday Evening January 9, 2011 at 4:45 pm #

    Good questions! Going vegan takes a lot of getting used to. If you plan on going vegan, do not give up in the first month just because you make a few mistakes or haven’t overcome your old cravings, it gets better! As far as restaurants go, I wouldn’t trust them. Yeah, I go out to eat once in awhile but it gets really annoying having to ask the restaurant staff ever ingredient in their food. When I go out to eat, I usually pick somewhere that I know there will be vegan food like a Middle-eastern restaurant that serves mainly vegetarian food or a Japanese steakhouse that serves vegetable sushi. You’ll get the hang of it!My entire family is filled with meat-eaters. They think I’m crazy because I eat “weird” food, but I think they’re crazy because they eat animals! Same with the friends, I have no vegan friends that live by me! It’s crazy. If your friends make fun of you or make you feel uncomfortable, just remember this probably wont last long. Most of the jokes I get about being vegan are in a friendly way and I am pretty much used to them by now. The best thing to do when going vegan is explain to other people why you have made the choice and the benefits from it. You’ll be surprised how interested other people are in veganism.

  8. Healthy Weight Loss Advice January 28, 2011 at 3:44 pm #

    This is a colorful blog!

    Love it!

    Drinking Water To Lose Weight

  9. Ellie February 6, 2011 at 2:36 am #

    Wowww I really like what you’ve written in here! Although I’m not vegan, I do eat a lot of vegan foods b/c they help me feel good and TASTE good in my opinion! Who knows? Maybe SOME day…but as of now, I’m ok where I’m at 😀 At least I love veggies.

  10. movesnmunchies March 11, 2011 at 10:26 am #

    whitney!! we are paired for the bloggie mail thang! 😀 cnt find your email so email me at movesnmunchies@hotmail.com

  11. Megan @ oatmealwithsprinkles April 1, 2011 at 1:55 pm #

    Hi Whitney! I’m so glad you commented on my blog so I could find yours! I’m also from Michigan (woot)! I don’t think I’ve seen any other Michigan healthy living bloggers around…so I’m pretty excited to have found your blog. I’m adding you to my Google Reader! 🙂


  12. Life of a Happy Blonde July 12, 2011 at 8:52 am #

    YAY for a great vegan site – i’m not vegan but about 50% of my eats are
    Just read your market post, sounds like so much fun and holy yummm to the stuffed grape leaves 🙂

  13. sugarcoatedsisters July 27, 2011 at 2:18 am #

    I became vegetarian when I was a junior in high school… I gave it up for Lent and never really wanted meat again. I’ve been vegan for a little over two weeks now, and I’m excited to read more about your vegan eats!

    — Nicole

  14. Katie @ Nutrition in a peanut shell August 13, 2011 at 9:51 pm #

    Just found your blog through Carrie’s comments over @ Moves ‘n’ munchies…creeper status much?
    I love your whole philosophy, and it’s cool to see that you haven’t been a vegan since like, you were 5 or something like some of the other members of the bloggosphere. I’m going to be a sophomore this year and are thinking about becoming a (mostly) vegetarian!
    Can’t wait to read more of your stuff (:

  15. Candy @ Healthy In Candy Land August 26, 2011 at 3:28 am #

    You have a wonderful philosophy of life that is similar to mine, so I wanted to say hi and encourage you to keep up the good work! It’s always nice to “meet” other veg-heads!


  1. Fall Nature Walks « Vegansunshine's Blog - September 20, 2010

    […] About Me […]

  2. Poppinn inn! « Moves 'N Munchies - June 24, 2011

    […] here I am in the hotel room last night before bed! wearing the top that Whitney made me! (BEST sleepy shirt […]

  3. Party, Party Up In Here « I <3 Vegetables - August 2, 2011

    […] Whitney @ Vegan Sunshine […]

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