Tag Archives: Vitamix

Fancy Frapp

26 Jun

 C O F F E E     C O F F E E     C O F F E E


You know you love it!

But how do you love it?

Hot or Cold?

I like mine cold. Perferrably over ice or blended into a fancy Starbucks-like drink. 😉

But I don’t need Starbuck’s 5 dollar drink to get my iced coffee fix anymore, I can just make a fancy frapp right here in my own home!

Fancy Frapp for two:

  • 3/4 cup double strenght coffee, cooled.
  • 1 cup non-dairy milk
  • 2 T chocolate syrup
  • 2 cups ice cubes
  1. Place all ingredients into the Vitamix (or other high powered blender).
  2. If using a Vitamix, select variable 1.
  3. Turn machine on and quickly increase speed to varible 10, then to high.
  4. Blend for 45 seconds.

Don’t mind if I do…

♥                              ♥

4-Minute Broccoli “Cheeze” Soup

24 Jun

The yummy soup in my last post was adapated from the following video!

However, I did not include potato flakes in mine. I knew I was forgetting something at the store!

This also reminds me how much I want to do a vlog! Wouldn’t that be fun?


You know you want to dance to that theme song.

More recipes coming! Being out of school and all, I can post like… everyday! We’re gunna have so much fun.

Coming up:

  • Coffee drinks in my Vita!
  • Larabar review (no seriously, I’m gunna finish it this time!)


Anything you would like to see me make in my Vitamix?

I Dream of Blenders

23 Jun
I read about it.
I think about it.
I dream about it.
I want it.
I need it.

& I finally got it.

My very own (refurbished) Vitamix! I just couldn’t take it anymore! It’s all I think about.

I ordered my Vitamix from The Vitamix Lady and received free shipping! Seriously, this girl is awesome.

My Vitamix came with:

This sweet Vitamix cook book that contains tons of healthy recipes!

Why I got it:

  1. It’ a business investment. Each week at the market, so many people ask for nut butters. My Ninja used to get so mad when he would have to make my nut butters, he just gave up on me.
  2. Raw food. ‘nough said.
  3. I need a new blender. Sure, I guess I can keep buying new blenders and waste hundreds of dollars OR I can just buy one nice one that will last forever! Or just 7 years at the earliest. That’s a long time!
  4. You don’t have to pay all at once! I am on a very easy payment plan: Pay half the amount plus $15 the first month, pay half of the differance the second month, pay the other half (the remaining balance) on the third month. It’s that easy! I don’t know about you, but I feel A LOT better paying like this, it almost makes me feel like it didn’t cost THAT much.
  5. The refurbished model will save you about $70 bucks. I can live with knowing that my blender was slightly used by a professional if it saves me $70. And hey, it’s like they tested it out for you so you know that it works great!

Yes, don’t mind me, I’m still talking myself into it!

What I’ve made so far:

A green smoothie! With no yucky chunks!


Then I made this 4-minute broccoli “cheese” soup! (it looks like a siab, but it’s soupp!)

New diet staple fo sho, Recipe coming soon!


Thank you so much for all of the get well soons on my last post, so sweet of you! I am feeling a little better, but far from 100%. I am just taking one day at a time trying to rest and eat lots of healing foods.

***Vitamix did not ask me to review their product nor did The Vitamix Lady. None of the items that I listed were given to me for reviewing or to sample. As always, this is my honest opinion.***