Operation Overstock

5 May

Wow! Lots of my readers have entered the Nutty Giveaway! I cannot wait until tomorrow to see who the winner is!

As you know, one of my May Gals is to save money. To be honest, I’m not the average 19-year-old who spends all their money on designer clothes, getting my nails/hair done, purses, shoes, and the newest electronics. If you must know, I wear yoga pants just about everyday, have NEVER had my nails done, is lucky enough to have a mom that is best friends with a hair dresser, uses the same bag everyday that I bought on my Paris trip in 2009, has never spent over $60 on a pair of shoes and has used the same Ipod since 2006.

Now, if you haven’t noticed, I do spend most of my extra money on food. Not because a vegan diet is costly but because I sometimes choose to spoil myself with the latest health foods like Chia seeds, fancy nut butters, and the entire Bob’s Red Mill collection oh, and not to mention my obsession with Amy’s Kitchen frozen meals.

U n n e c e s s a r y !

My pantry is jammed packed with all of these things I never even use. My mom, very seriously, tells my dad that he needs to build another shelf in the laundry room for all of my food (I almost took a pictures of my overstocked kitchen but I’m actually too embarrassed!). This has gone too far.

Anyway, there is a point to all of this.

Operation Overstock means….I am making it my mission to NOT shop for anything but fresh produce until my pantry is CLEAN. Or at least close anyway. I have endless boxes of pasta, different types of flour, cereal, dried fruit, protein powder, beans, and of course…nut butter. For the next few weeks I will just make do with what I have for most of my meals.

Today I started with my pasta:

I added these veggies I bought from the market for $3:


& In honor of CINCO DE MAYO…

Fantastic World Foods Review Part 2

Part 2- Taco Filling

(Incase you missed it: Part 1)


My family decided to make taco’s for dindin and I kinda felt left out. Just kidding! I reached for my Fantastic World Foods TACO FILLING and joined the fiesta. The taco filling is made from TVP which I happen to be a huge fan of. With only 100 calories a serving who wouldn’t be excited? What I loved about the taco filling is that it didn’t taste like ground beef. Sometimes I feel like companies try too hard to make vegetarian products taste like the real deal and I don’t like that. Then it’s just weird. I like “fake meats” to taste like veggies and seasonings. Does that even make sense?

I remember how greasy and dry real ground beef tacos would taste, not pleasant at all. you can tell just by looking at these tacos that there is no dryness here!

 Would I buy these again? No doubt! 🙂

Have you tried FWF’s Taco Filling?

18 Responses to “Operation Overstock”

  1. Peaches and Peanuts May 5, 2011 at 2:42 pm #

    whoa, I thought those were real meat tacos! From looking at it, there is no difference, but I bet they taste great

  2. Jess (In My Healthy Opinion) May 5, 2011 at 3:02 pm #

    You read my mind, I think! I definitely have wayyyy too much stuff in my pantry too, and should take this challenge with you. 🙂 Except now I want to try the taco filling!

  3. movesnmunchies May 5, 2011 at 3:05 pm #

    im with ya!! I HAVEt o clear out my pantry tooo girl!

  4. Kayla May 5, 2011 at 3:43 pm #

    Yum, I would definitely love to eat one of those delicious tacos!

  5. Tara May 5, 2011 at 4:43 pm #

    I tried to stick to what is inside my pantry, but it didn’t last long. I’d really love to try again! I am always splurging on unnecessary products and I really should just use up what I already have.

  6. katshealthcorner May 5, 2011 at 5:16 pm #

    I haven’t tried it yet!!!! Where did you find it?

  7. Allison @ Food For Healing May 5, 2011 at 6:54 pm #

    i need to do an overhaul of my pantry too, but i’m sure i dont have 19 nut butters haha. but i do have things in there i’m sure i could be using up instead of buying more and more other stuff.

  8. Ma Ma Megan May 5, 2011 at 6:54 pm #

    Good luck on your cleanin’ out the pantry! I did that for a month once. Didn’t buy anything other than fruit, veggies, bread, and almond milk. You totally got this 🙂

  9. Stephanie May 5, 2011 at 8:45 pm #

    Haha, I’m in the same situation as you. I’ve got soo much stuff. I’ve already started using up some of my stuff. I ran out of quinoa and brown rice this week but I’m not allowing myself to buy any more grains until I make a dent in the kamut, millet, oats (both steel cut and rolled. I have POUNDS of each) and barley I have.

  10. amylouisemc May 6, 2011 at 2:24 am #

    Sounds like you’ll be having some pretty interesting meals!! I should probably do this, I have way too many things in my pantry that I never use!

  11. Kaila @healthyhelperblog! May 6, 2011 at 1:34 pm #

    I have actually had to do my own Operation Overstock before! It’s kind of fun cause it forces you to get creative with your food! Good luck!

  12. runyogarepeat May 6, 2011 at 1:45 pm #

    I’m in the middle of an operation overstock mission too – trying to clean out my food before the semester ends! Although my roomie is always buying food and wasting it (like fresh produce!).

  13. Kate (What Kate is Cooking) May 6, 2011 at 6:25 pm #

    I’m pretty good about eating stuff in the pantry, but there are a lot of things that my parents buy that only they like, and they never eat it! It really stresses me out, especially because it takes up so much room, so I always offer to cook for them so I can use up their stuff 🙂

  14. pawsitivelife May 6, 2011 at 6:39 pm #

    Thats my mission all the time. I usually only but produce that will help me use up things already in my pantry 🙂 The grand effect is that I do save a ton of money!

  15. Jess May 6, 2011 at 8:27 pm #

    Those “tacos” look quite delicious!!

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