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Feature Friday: Appetite for Reduction

16 Sep

This week’s FEATURE FRIDAY is extra special:


Isa Chandra Moskowitz’s Appetite for Reduction


Recipes I’ve Tried:

  • Tempeh Meat Balls


  • Cool Slaw


  • Baked Falafel


  • Cauliflower Pesto Soup

Why I Love This Book:

  • Quick and easy recipes that even I can make!

Most of the recipes I’ve made took 30 minutes or less to make, total time!

  • Healthy, unique dishes that spice up my packed lunches!

Soup is one of my favorite things to take to school or where ever I need to pack a lunch. She makes soup so simple yet so fancy! 😉

  • Homemade salad dressings!

Once upon a time, I put Italian dressing on every salad I ate because I thought that was the only vegan option. Little did I know, dressing is the easy thing to make…ever.

  • Hearty meals for a vegan cook book!

Vegan meatballs! Enough said.

I would recommend this book for vegan flirts, people trying to eat healthier, or just lazy busy people like myself.

What is your favorite cook book?

This is why I pack my lunch.

16 Sep

One hour break =


One iced pumpkin spice latte: $5.06


One trip to the health food store: $10.46

(tempeh walnut salad, vegan egg salad, tofu noodles, one expensive chocolate bar)

Some days I need to leave me wallet at home!