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MRM week 14ish

29 Aug

Hey guys!

It’s Monday again. That one day a week I talk more about my personal life and how things are going at our Farmer’s Market stand. I actually took more pictures this week because I remembered my camera! 😉

From the pictures, you would think the market went well when in reality, it did not. Other vendors have been starting drama with us and have been trying to get us kick out of the market.  I don’t really feel that it is necessary to explain on the blog, so I will just leave it at that. All I can say is that people suck. They lie, they cheat, they do everything they can to bring another downand for what? Anyway, I really hope they feel better about themselves. It’s too bad not everyone can get along or even hear two sides of one story, it really breaks my heart. All day long I have been feeling down and depressed in humanity. I don’t want to go out in public, I don’t want to be social, I don’t feel like baking or tie-dying more shirts for the market. I’m just not feeling it.

One thing that always cheers me up is all of my lovely readers! I know you guys are always there so support and you are all great people. Just reading your posts everyday puts me in a better mood. I think just to know that good people are out there really cheers me up.

On a lighter note:

My birthday is on WEDNESDAY! I will be turning the big 2-0. Yup, pretty excited.

Should I make a cheesecake or a regular cake for my birthday? Or both? 😉