Tag Archives: banana bread

Skip Easter Dinner…

25 Apr

Did everybody have a happy Easter?

Easter breakfast consisted of my first ever BOATMEAL CAKE!

Flavor of choice? Banana Bread! 😀

I didn’t really feel like making anything too special for dinner. I actually spent my Easter studying for finals and writing a final essay. Sounds fun, right?

I did however have time to make dessert. That’s just a must.

As I was writing my final paper I thought I would share a piece with you.

“Topic of choice” essays usually led to something along the lines of “Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet” research papers. As much as I write about this topic, you think I would just recycle old papers and turn them without having to do any work. For my own sake, I mix them up a bit. One time I wrote about the dairy industry, another time I wrote on factory farming. Now, I’m just combining them all together muhaha. Anyway back to my research I wanted to share!

The plant-based diet includes a wide variety of whole foods consisting of beans, whole-grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, along with products made from these natural foods, such as tofu, tempeh, and meat analogs. Those who believe plant protein is inferior to animal protein may be surprised to learn that plant proteins contain the same 22 amino acids as animal proteins. The meat and dairy industries spend billions of dollars to project their message right into your shopping cart through television commercials, magazine ads, and grocery store ads. These powerful industries even recognized it was important to teach young children “good nutrition”  at a very early age. Since the end of World War 2 they spread their protein message to our nation’s youth by providing schools across the U.S. with colorful charts of the “important food groups” that emphasized meat, dairy products, and eggs. For the decades following World War 2, one simply could not ignore the emphasis on protein.

Interesting, eh? It goes on to say that protein deficiency only occurs in 3rd world countries (if any) because of the lack of food. Basically, if you have food, you have protein whether it be a grain or a bean.

On to other news,
Alexandra has awarded me with the…

The Rules:

1. Post this award with the picture and name of whoever awarded it to you

2. Do the stuff

3. Award to 7 others and tell them you did so

The stuff:

1. Name 3 things that are lying right next to you

2. Name 2 foods that you cannot live without

3. Name 1 thing you did today

Three things next to me:




Two foods I cannot live without:

Nut butters!


One thing I did today:

Zumba! & Coffee/tea with the Zumba girls.

& Tag your it? You know how I feel about tagging people, tell them Whitney sent you.

Well, I’m off to get ready for the day and TAKE MY FINAL MATH EXAM. Holy cow, I’m on the borderline of passing that stupid class. Stress? Wish me luck!